first i would like to just say a very sincere THANK YOU to the men and women of our military who devote their lives to protecting and defending us!! i hope everyone spends some time today to remember our brave soldiers!!! thank you to our veterans on this veterans day!!!
a great website you may want to check out today to show your support is Stories of Service mobilizes youth volunteers across America to help those who served our nation star in their own “mini-movies.” These short videos educate and inspire future generations about courage, sacrifice and service to community. For 2008-2009, Stories of Service is focusing its efforts on a major initiative to capture the stories of the World War II generation. By working with national partners such as National History Day, HISTORY (formerly the History Channel) the Franklin & Eleanor Roosevelt Institute and others, we are reaching out to youth across America and encouraging them to capture the stories of these "unsung heroes" in their communities.
another site you may want to visit if you wish to say or pay your thanks is the site Wounded Heros Foundation -- I hope if you do not know about this site you take a second of your time to visit it. the following is from their site to let you know what the site's mission is...
How we carry out our Mission
When WHF (Wounded Heros Foundation) was conceived we had 2,000 wounded. We now have over 20,000 Wounded and Injury Deployed Heroes. Evacuated straight out of the field and separated from their unit, they loose their support base and even their possessions. The WHF provides immediate financial assistance to our Heroes and their families. Planes tickets, hotel rooms and other basic needs make certain they have their families with them during their long road to recovery. WHF has provided over 4,000 Survival Care Packages to Walter Reed, Brooke Army Medical Center, National Naval Medical Centers in Bethesda and San Diego and to the US medical units in Iraq, Afghanistan and Germany. We have met with over 1,000 Wounded Heroes and their families. With your help, we will continue sending Survival Care Packages, assisting with inpatient and outpatient care needs at all US Military Medical Facilities, both domestic and abroad and continue to provide life lines to these young men and women who are truly The Heart of America.
the following work is another one of my most recently completed mixed media works.
TITLE: The Sky's The Limit
SIZE: 60" wide x 48" high
MEDIA: mixed media on canvas

RECENTLY SOLD Contemporary Art Paintings
Original Abstract Art Paintings - by Michel Keck
Original Mixed Media Art Paintings - by Michel Keck
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